Fish starters
A cold starter made in Luxembourg so that all the tastes and colors of this season rhyme with pleasure and new flavors.
Meat starters
Whether it's for a weekday evening or during a meal with friends, there's no shortage of ideas for hot starters at Oberweis, between the divine puff pastries and hot pâtés, it's hard to choose.  
Fine charcuterie
Indispensable, our fine charcuterie remains tasty thanks to well-thought-out packaging... Pâtés with gourmet and juicy fillings, a pastry cooked just as it should and a good taste of Riesling in jellies... no faux pas on the horizon !

La Maison Oberweis vous  propose un assortiment de quiches qui raviront vos papilles. Individuelles ou pour quatre personnes, Oberweis ne cesse de créer de nouvelles associations de goûts afin de découvrir en une bouchée une explosion de saveurs.